Hey Guys, I know it's been way too long. I am alive and healthy and thinking again. I haven't posted on the site since I decided to make a new Instagram (horrible idea). I deleted it yesterday and here we are. Few updates for you. #1 Enumclaw is taking a break while I put together a new band for my solo record that will be finding its way to you very soon. #2 I am working on the next issue of the zine as well as playing with the idea of turning it into a newspaper. With that being said, I am looking for LA-based writers. If this is you, please reach out asap. #3 My life is going awesomely and I appreciate everyone who's checked in over the last few months. I will be back very soon with an essay about what's been going on while i've been away. Until then, continue to spread the gospel of For When The Cows Come Home.net (:
- Dynamite by Stina Nordenstam: A friend of mine sent me this album and I’ve been obsessed with it. I can't believe this came out in 96. Feels so contemporary
- Lady By D’Angelo: I had never seen this video before but now I love it. Love the slow cuts lol
- The End Of Children: I read this on the plane last weekend. It made me think. Give it a read if you got time.