I’ve been listening to a lot of 50 Cent lately and honestly my life feels so much better because of it. 50 Cent is arguably some of the first music I can really remember actively enjoying as a kid. My dad bought Get Rich or Die Trying when it came out and played it religiously in the car. At one point I even wanted to be a rapper because of 50 cent but quickly changed my mind when I still thought I had to be shoot 9 times to qualify as a rapper. None the less over the last couple of weeks my love for 50 Cent has been revitalized and I wanna highlight 5 of my favorite 50 cent songs.
- 21 Questions ft. Nate Dogg - This was forsure my first ever favorite song. I wanted this to be me so badly. To have a girl in my life I could play 21 questions with felt like one of my biggest dreams when this song came out!
- Window Shopper - Every time I hear this song it takes me to a place. I’ll never forget watching this music video on BET and asking my mom what a window shopper was and finding out that I was one. I recently listened to this song somewhere in the middle of Europe for the first time in a while and it was a nice remaindered of where I came from!
- God Gave Me Style – This song came out on The Massacre but I didn’t really come to it until I rip the CD onto my laptop when I was in middle school. I love this song I used to listen to everyday on the bus heading to school. It still feels really special to me!
- Many Men (Wish Death) – I got to be honest I was super late on this song! I don’t think I really remember hiring until I started playing high school football. Since finding it without a doubt this has been my most played 50 Cent song. It just makes me feel hard! It’s also gotten so much more relatable to me as ive gotten older! I’m just trying to be who I’m destined to be!
- In Da Club – I mean this song makes the cut for the music video alone! This is the song that started it all it has to make the list! Something I feel like people don’t talk about enough is the beat this shit knocks 20 years later and you can’t say that about everything. I can’t wait to get in the car and play this shit!